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HBM By-Law: On Water Structures 5.3.17

HBM Passes By-Law Pretaining to On-Water Structures.

1. By-lawNo.2017-050 has the following purpose and effect: 
All existing docks larger than 46.45 square metres (500 square feet) are subject to Section4.10 of this by-law. New docks larger than 46.45 square metres(500 square feet) are not permitted as-of-right but may be permitted pursuant to further planning approval (amendment to this by-law or minor variance).The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry may continue to require permits for on water structures exceeding 15square metres in area. The following must be contacted when seeking to construct or repair dock on a lake within the Township: 
. Township of H-B-M Building Department 
It may also be necessary to contact the following authorities:
.  Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 
.  CroweValleyConservationAuthority 
.  Department of Fisheries and Oceans 
2. The amendment is considered to have application to any/all lands within the Corporation of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen; and therefore a key map has not been provided.
Link for full copy of the By-Law.